أثر نظم المعلومات الإستراتيجية وتصميم الإستراتيجية على تنافسية المنظمة – دراﺳﺔ ميدانية

Abstract :

The Information era has imposed so many revolutions. This study aims to investigate the direct and indirect effects of strategic information systems (IS) capability on organization’s competitiveness through its contribution on the effectiveness and efficiency of strategic design process.  A research model was developed based on the literature gab analysis, exploratory study and research objectives, proposing a positive relationship between three main constructs: Independent variable (strategic information system (IS) capability), Mediating variable (strategic design) and Dependent variable (organization’s competitiveness). In this study, the meaning of utilizing IS strategically in strategic design is about the ability of top management teams to acquire and process strategically relevant information about organization and its environment that can assist them in designing competitive strategies for building up and sustaining its competitiveness

Mixed research methodology approach has been used by combining both qualitative and quantitative analysis to explore and empirical examine the proposed research model. The targeted population of interest is the licensed pharmaceutical manufactures, around 90 organizations in the Egyptian pharmaceutical industry throughout its three main sectors (11 public, 70 local private, 9 MNCs). Statistical analyses are employed based on the questionnaires gathered from 34 pharmaceutical manufactures’ companies (i.e. approximately 40% response rate). In addition, ninety one (91) In-depth interviews have been conducted with both senior managers and Information system managers

Path analysis was used to test the research hypotheses, where strategic information system capability, as perceived by IT managers, is divided into two dimensions (Internally-focused IS capability and externally- focused IS capability) in order to examine its direct and indirect effects on the organization’s competiveness through its contribution on the effectiveness and efficiency of strategic design process, as perceived by executives and senior managers

The research findings show that the strategic IS capability positively affect the effectiveness and efficiency of strategic design process; and the strategic IS capability has a positive significant direct and indirect effects on organization’s competiveness through significant positive effect on strategic design. Hence, The research model has been proved to be useful in explaining the relationships or chain of events that lead to the final organization’s competitiveness based on the significant paths between ‘Internally–focused Information system capability’ and ‘Externally-focused Information system capability’ and ‘Strategic Design’. Pharmaceutical industry is one of the world’s fastest and strategic growing industries; it also has a greater impact on the Egyptian national economy. There are different managerial implications and recommendations have been derived from the findings of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. These recommendations can be used as guidelines for the both senior managers and IT managers to help them to increase the IS/ strategic design alignment which in turn enhances organizations’ competitiveness. Throughout all suggested recommendations for public, local private and MNCs, Both senior managers and Information technology executives can bridge the gap between their business and Information system knowledge for more collaboration, which can result in better IS/ strategic design  alignment that will lead to sustainable competitive advantage for their organizations

Alyaa Adel Abd El-Salam Ibrahim

كلية التجارة – جامعة القاهرة -2019 

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