دور الولاء للعلامة والصورة الذهنية للشركة كمتغيرين وسيطين فى العلاقة بين التسويق المرتبط بالقضايا المجتمعية واعادة القرار الشرائي للمستهلك

Abstract :

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between Cause-related marketing as an independent variable and consumer repurchasing decision as a dependent variable through the mediating variables (brand loyalty, corporate image). This research depended on two main dimensions in measuring Cause-related marketing campaigns (brand/ cause fit and donation size), one dimension in measuring brand loyalty (potential switching/ no switching to competitors) and one dimension in measuring the corporate image (corporate credibility dimension “Expertise, trustworthiness, and likability”). As the field study depended on two different scenarios; the first scenario is applied to the bottled water sector, while the second scenario is applied to the sportswear sector. A quantitative approach is employed, using 5-point Likert scale questionnaire administered to 384 participants for each scenario. Structural Equation Modeling is carried out using “AMOS” technique to evaluate the results, as well as applying the “Independent samples T-test” to test the differences between the two scenarios. The results proved in the two scenarios that Cause-related marketing Campaigns impact the consumer repurchasing decision with the major mediating role for corporate image. Meanwhile, the results in the first scenario reflected that the relation between Cause-related marketing and brand loyalty is insignificant, which means that there is no relationship between Cause-related marketing campaigns and consumer repurchasing decision mediated by brand loyalty. It can be inferred that Cause-related marketing campaigns do not affect consumer repurchasing decision in the presence of brand loyalty. The research outcomes approve the research conceptual framework highlights that Cause-related marketing campaigns are a critical element that will impact consumer repurchasing decision. As well as, the research findings contributed to the literature on Cause-related marketing, consumer repurchasing decision, brand loyalty and corporate image

Marwa Mahmoud Ibrahim

كلية التجارة -جامعة عين شمس – 2018

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