The Influence of Innovation Strategy Diffusion on the UAE Public Sector Initiatives Outcomes


Innovation in the public sector has been a challenging task given that private sectors across the United Arab Emirates prove more competitive. The current statistics show that the scale and nature of challenges in public-oriented businesses need a government response that goes beyond incremental improvements to enforce the real changes. Among the project models that foster best outcomes include the project, programs, portfolio, strategy, and government councils. Studies done on public sectors reviews the knowledge needed to foster a rational connection between the social and economic outcomes, the diffusion sense of innovation and the public-oriented business goals.

The study aims at establishing key approaches to innovation diffusion in the public-oriented business entities. The business models including the project, programs, portfolio, and government councils have a direct impact on targeted changes from innovation integration. However, the study performed an in-depth review of public sector innovation models contributing towards a successful innovation diffusion across the sector.

            The research relies on the previous similar studies developed on the basis of innovation in the public to build a strong foundation for the study. The reviewed articles and selected for this study will not have a specified limitation in terms of chronological concept to create a wide informed source of information.

محمد عبد الرحمن علي أمين المرزوقي

الجامعة البريطانية في دبي – 2018

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