Qualitative Segmentation vs. Quantitative Segmentation in a Water Use Market: A Cost Benefit Approach


Attention has been directed towards audience segmentation due to the added value that it may deliver to a social marketing program. Segmentation offers one means to better utilise limited resources to enhance reach in groups most at need in social marketing projects. While the importance of segmentation is well known, its application in social marketing practice remains limited, and research considering different segmentation approaches is inadequate. In this social marketing project, qualitative and quantitative segmentation approaches were specifically applied to the water use market of residents in the United Arab Emirates. In addition, this project critically evaluated qualitative and quantitative segmentation approaches using cost benefits analysis from the perspective of executive decision makers. Three studies were conducted.  First, a qualitative study was conducted using focus groups with participants representative of the water use market of the UAE. The purpose of this study was to segment the water use market using a qualitative approach and generate insights into factors that influence water consumption behaviours. The qualitative study identified four distinct segments on two segmentation bases: participants’ habits and beliefs. These segments were characterised as (1) comfort users; (2) careless users; (3) contradictory users; and (4) price sensitive users. This study further identified factors that influence residents’ water consumption behaviour such as education, accessibility and restrictions, technology, and pricing. In the second study, survey data were gathered to segment the water use market using a quantitative approach. A sample of 1,350 respondents was obtained (875 online, and 475 paper survey).

علي حسين محمد إبراهيم

Griffith University – 2018

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