Relational Coordination: A Predictor Of Nurse Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, And Turnover Intention


The purpose of this cross-sectional correlational study was to examine the psychometric properties of the relational coordination scale among nurses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). In addition, it examined the relationship between relational coordination (RC), job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment (AOC), and turnover intention. Finally, it identified potential moderators and mediators between these four concepts.

The study population included staff nurses 22 years or older, who have worked in a healthcare setting for at least six months in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Participants completed an online survey via Survey Monkey “Survey Monkey (” A link to the survey was posted on KSA nurses’ social media websites (e.g. Using a snowballing nonprobability sampling technique (Polit & Beck, 2012), participants were asked to refer their colleagues to participate in the study.

One-hundred-and-eighty-one nurses working in the KSA participated in the study. Of these participants, 26 were broadly identified as Asian, and 154 were specifically Saudis. Additionally, 71% of the sample was female. Factor analysis showed that RC items were loaded into seven factors. Cronbach’s alpha of the scale was .87, and Cronbach’s alpha of the subscales ranged from .74 to .92. Results showed that RC was significantly and positively associated with job satisfaction and AOC, and was significantly and negatively associated with turnover intention. Thus, it is a valid measure among nurses in KSA.

The RC subscales problem-solving communication, job satisfaction, and AOC significantly predicted turnover intention. However, on its own, RC was not a significant predictor of turnover intention. The findings show that neither nurse nationality nor nurse education moderate the relationship between RC and job satisfaction. While there was no evidence that the relationship between RC and AOC was moderated by nurse education, the results show evidence that the relationship between RC and nurse AOC was moderated by nurse nationality. Likewise, there was evidence that the relationship between RC and turnover intention was moderated by nurse nationality and nurse education. Lastly, there was no evidence that the relationships between RC and job satisfaction was mediated by nurse experience. However, the relationship between RC, AOC, and turnover intention was mediated by nurse experience.

راويه سعيد عمر فلاته

University of Massachusetts Amherst – 2017

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